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StableHodl is a unique Stablecoin Yield Generation platform powered by HeLa Network. StableHodl leverages funding arbitrage within crypto exchanges to optimize returns and generates sustainable yields, rewards stakers with HLUSD, the native stable coin of HeLa network.
Mai, 2024
Jun, 2024
94% abgeschlossen
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Building a new one: HeLa Chain

Über StableHodl

With the rise of Ethena, the market shows the demand for high yield generation platform, or stable coin yield generation protocol to be exact. At the time this article is written, Ethena gained 2,24B in TVL with APY reaching more than 37%. Before Ethena, Midas, Mountain Protocol, Ondo Finance etc are all stable coin-fuelled staking protocol that received considerable attention from crypto natives.


As the demand is soaring, StableHodl brings a yield bearing protocol to market— earning stable coin together with Boosted points program. Users can now stake stable coin (USDT/USDC etc.) and earn HLUSD — the native stable coin of HeLa chain. With stable coin used for both staking and rewarding, StableHodl eliminates the price volatility of holding crypto assets. This also provides users with a source of liquidity in stable coin — the “fiat” of crypto, which enables users access to more good deals in the space.

Regarding APY, StableHodl shows a positively high yield in the testing stage lasting 8 weeks. StableHodl yield shows APY results of 26% and 49% for February and March respectively. This is net number that will go to users who stake. Stakers who stake on StableHodl before HeLa Mainnet will be able to claim their staked principal and rewards in HLUSD on HeLa mainnet.

The whole process of staking and earning is made simple and accessible to all users with no-minimum amount required policy and user-friendly UI. StableHodl also introduces Boosted point program to create extra incentives for community. These Boosted point will play a important role in StableHodl upcoming plans, and in HeLa network as well.

StableHodl Roadmap

  • StableHodl is powered by HeLa

  • StableHodl is powered by HeLa - an Alternative Layer 1, focusing on Modularity for scalability and Parallel execution to deliver high TPS. Together with Atlantia, StableHodl is one of the two first DeFi dapps launched, paving the way for HeLa mainnet in Q2 2024.

StableHodl Mannschaft

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Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Darby S
Head of Marketing

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