
Create your own NFT and support your favorite sportsman
Sebastian Ionut Diaconu - CEO of IKONIC, introduces our readers to the completely new platform for eSports celebrities and their fans.
GAINS Associates is the #1 Crowdsourcing Platform accessible for the masses
Alexandre RAFFIN, CEO & Co-Founder of Gains Associates project, explains how to participate in nascent crypto startups by holding GAINS Tokens.
Survive among zombies and earn crypto with UNDEADS!
Leo Kahn, CEO of Undeads Metaverse project, discloses all the details of playing this game, earning tokens and minting NFTs.
The CONG Token presale event shakes the crypto market
Yves Civolani, CAIA, CFA accepted our invitation to an interview with ICOholder which turned to a great opportunity to investors seeking to participate in the CONG token presale event and understand this disruptive project that promises to revolutionize the world of investing.
MagicCraft is both for pleasure and prosperity!
Adam Ghibaudo, Project Manager of MagicCraft, explains how to enjoy playing a game and earning tokens.
Limitless opportunities with MetaOne project!
Jack Vinijtrongjit, CEO of MetaOne project, tells us how to use a wallet without any seed phrase and save your earnings.
Create your own application with
Nikolay Dimitrov, Community and Developer advocate at network, introduces a new ecosystem that offers easy-to-use tools for developing DApps.
A guardian of the NFT ecosystem
Vijay Pravin Maharajan, Founder & CEO at bitsCrunch, presents an exciting world of NFTs for our readers.
Use KUBE in your daily life and become a part of an innovation hub!
Paolo Della Pepa, CEO & Founder of Kube Ecosystem, tells about the most successful startups of the project and benefits from staking KUBEs and holding NFTs!
Train your body at global metaverse gym by VitalVeda!
Amir Neghabian, Founder & CEO of VitalVeda, tells us how to become healthier person and earn VVFIT and VVG tokens.
Secure and reliable database management system from Inery Blockchain
Mr Ivan Vujic, the Founder & CTO of Inery Blockchain, explains why it is highly advisable to use decentralized database management system in business sphere.
Grow your property with EstateX
Bart de Bruijn, Chief Operations Officer at EstateX, explains our readers how to invest in real estate and earn tokens at the same time!
BRIGADETHUGS - a new promising gaming platform
Yulina Yang, Chief of Operations of BRIGADETHUGS, tells us about a new gaming platform and its future.
Trust but verify
Bastien Violleau, Sales Manager of Veritise, acquaints our readers with a digital trust solution for not to be under attack from fakes, forgeries and intellectual property thieves.
A new era of gaming from CryptoCitizen
Rastislav Bakala, the Founder and CEO of CryptoCitizen project, tells us about their achievements in game development and what to expect from the project in the nearest future!
Join Grand Time community and start earning with microtasking
Maxym Sereda, Co-founder & CMO at Grand Time, tells our readers how his company solves the problems with unskilled income-producing labor, lack of financial education, insufficient resources and limited access to financial services.